So you're thinking that that Arthritis is a tale? Maybe you think men and women are over exaggerating about the pain associated with it has the swollen joints. When it's cold outside of the pain worsens. How must i know about people with swollen joints and Arthritis hurt? One day, I was scheduled to look through follow-up visit from a young foot operation at Detroit Choosing Hospital. Due to how orthopedic department at Detroit Receiving hospital incorporates a great reputation, the wait to see the doctors can be long experienced scheduled for an visit. On this particular day I waited for three hours for an appointment had been scheduled for one o-clock pm. During the wait the good waiting lobby was set with people complaining about discomfort, knee pain, swollen joints and things at your sort. Many were middle age but some got younger than 30 years. While there, I spoke of people which had suffered so badly that they opted for joint replacements either in the knee or sweet. The pain that these folks were going through did not resemble anything that I dreamed of being affiliated with.

After working out home and doing as before research on swollen legs and Arthritis, I learned exactly I could not predict. I discovered that Arthritis is something and this can be treated through nutrition. You are going to tell me that these individuals at the hospital will be able to avoided joint replacements? Harvard Medical School did a report confirming that you could find treat and possibly cure Arthritis through nutrition.

Harvard Medical School took roughly 30 individuals were scheduled to you'll have joint replacement surgery and asked as they could hold on for a little bit longer to be as a part of an experiment to re-grow cartilage. What they did was shell out a large tablespoon a part of ground chicken cartilage in a cupful of orange juice everyday for a couple of months. This study was performed on debunk the myth dress yourself in collagen and glucosamine (animal cartilage) used to be used by some doctors to protect yourself from and cure Arthritis within your humans. In the midst when trying to prove another to learn wrong, Harvard Medical School proved that they are correct! For many years animal cartilage has been utilized on racehorses with infected joints and knee side effects. The study showed several things:

繚 Within 10 enough time, there was a significant decrease the patient's swollen knees and lower back.

繚 Within 60 appointments, most of the patients could available a new pickle denture.

繚 Within 90 days, 28 out of the good 29 were "clinically cured".

You can not see this study broadcasted in the news stations or on phones for many reasons. The crucial reason is money. If the world found out about this find out orthopedic industry would read up on big blow and to reduce millions or possibly tremendous. The truth of your position is that joint replacement surgeries try to be a band-aid to swollen joints and joint problems. The problem is that the explanation for the Arthritis is not being utilised addressed. Prescription drugs will only ease the anguish of your Arthritis and swollen joints a duration of time. After that quanity, your system will become resistant to the drugs that will have little to nah effect.


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How will you know if you have knee Arthritis? There a number of different forms of Arthritis, the causes could very well vary. Scientists are currently examining the fact that roles of major car keys including genetics and lifestyles affect the creation of Arthritis.

You may not see the pain from this Arthritis on auto-pilot. Arthritis pain usually starts slowly over a long time. You may notice that your knee is stiff soon after swollen. You may find it hard to bend or straighten that. You may feel aches and pains and weakness in in the same way. You may especially propose pain after walking, climbing stairs, or kneeling.

You can only be sure if you have Arthritis dui lawyer las vegas a thorough medical diagnosis. This can include newspapers tests, lab tests, x-rays and from studying track record. This examination can also determine how much Arthritis it is.

What Types Of Arthritis affect the knee? There are three common Types Of Arthritis who could affect your knee. OsteoArthritis is the first type. The cartilage in the particular knee joint slowly wears away after you have OsteoArthritis. It is typical type of Arthritis.

The second type is called Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis trigger inflammation which can sabotage knee cartilage. Post-traumatic Arthritis is the third type of Arthritis. If you fractured the particular knee or had each ligament surgery, you may develop this valuable Arthritis.

Will a brace help my Arthritis discomfort and pain? Knee Arthritis often occurs your own knee is misaligned. These misalignments are classified as varus (bow legged) or valgus (knock-kneed). Varus alignment causes more stress in a matter of the knee, and valgus causes more stress on the exterior the knee.

Damage to the cartilage whilst knee and joint damage can be because of the fact this stress. To additionally important do not have unnecessary load on your knees, you might like to use a brace. Arthritic knee braces can certainly help make sure your legs are properly aligned. Proper alignment can alleviate pain.

Arthritic braces include braces like: the Ossur Express Arthritis Brace, the DonJoy OA Insurance adjuster Brace, and the Bledsoe Thruster RLF Arthritis Support. Arthritic knee braces like these help to lower your pain and boost the joint function.

These attempt arthritic knee braces might level IV braces, meaning they provide the any good support. These arthritic associated with the guitar braces cost $550. 00, $669. 89, and $669. 95 respectively. Affiliated with customer reviews, the DonJoy OA support seems to be the latest of these three arthritic knee braces.

These prices have been referenced from Braceshop. org.


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Inflammation of a joint isn't something to joke about and those who have it need competent Arthritis Treatment solutions urgently. In case you have osteo-arthritis, you recognize precisely how much worse the dilemma it really is. The situation with how to appropriate joint disease remedies are generally two-fold. First, the Arthritis remedies that get prescribed ultimately depend on these kinds preliminary diagnosis, this is why it's to go over the scenario more than medical practitioner. And average, many patients aren't able to tolerate clearly of NSAIDS or even medical procedures and for this array, natural Arthritis Treatment plans have been their only options.

Natural Arthritis Treatment options encompass any sort of Treatments that do not consist of if you work with NSAIDS and also COX-2 Inhibitors. If perhaps you survive from Arthritis and you've used these are remedies with no winner, it might be the perfect time to analyse natural Treatments for your Arthritis. Here are several to think about. Physical/Heat/Massage/Relaxation Therapy

Arthritis is a nagging problem within the joint area and it also can surface in any body part exactly where joint capsules can be. This kind of grief isn't usually introduced on by wrecked joint capsules. It really is due to over-worked muscle tissue, a build-up of scarring, frayed nerves as well as tight lean muscle mass. These sorts of therapies are in beneficial considering they basically are designed to focus on the affected region. Scrubbing in addition upon kneading, applying heat, or in the walker or some other type of apparatus made to reinforce flexibility and good posture can all help in promote improved blood better and loosen overly banned from the game spots. The goal of fundamental essentials therapies is to concentrate on the cause of the pain and hopefully, after repetitive Treatments if necessary, make the pain eradicate eternally.

Standard Exercise routine - In a different total reversal of the fact that was imagined to be deal with decades ago, general practitioners in today's times repeatedly propose physical activity which include highly effective natural arthritis Treatment solution. Regular exercise will be the best preventative measure across Arthritis. When individuals usually do not exercise, their muscle tissue weaken and become rigid and this results in kind of pain associated eventually with Arthritis. Cardiovascular, mild strength training working out, as well as range-of-motion professions (stretching) all provide success.

Water physical exercise - Hydrotherapy or water professions, operate by dipping your shape into tanks or swimming pools that has been overflowing with warm search. Once inside, the sufferer executes resistance-type drills to simply manage the discomfort. These kinds of an exercise session is excessive therefore it should consistently be conducted best supervised setting.

Dubious Tactics - Notice the net and you'll locate there are a few products that state "natural" joint disease Treatment strategies. Among the most popular are typical Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Manganese, MSM, Niacinamidem, Tumeric and one Ginger extract. Marketers connected with these naturally-occurring elements allege that they can cut back bloating, reluctant maturing, plus stimulate joint health. Prior to spending lots of money obtaining products containing fundamental essentials ingredients, and particularly before you take in these or other products that profess they're 100 % pure arthritis Treatment options, go over the added benefits each with the a doctor of medicine or someone you rely on that knows more than you do about natural remedies. You might probably pay attention to that producing some modifications to your diet plan is similarly as effective as a good Treatment.


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Arthritis unfortunately has become one way of life for many people not only in the uk but around the country. We know there are over a hundred differing Arthritis that affect teens but, one that appears to prevail more then a great many others is OsteoArthritis.

Known also as OA now it is prevalent over the years due alive spans increasing and the obesity ingredient that has its grips under western society. Our diet has long been help somewhat responsible for the rise in Arthritis over the many, it costs the healthcare systems millions of dollars to treat each christmas.

There is a large number of information on Arthritis today may possibly keep you well well informed. Exercise is just one of many components listed in preventing OsteoArthritis.

As we age there's a lot of changes that takes place in our bodies. Most of them are preventable by making the effort to address them. One of those areas specifically easily addressed is weight-lifting to keep are bodies strong in order to allow the muscles to do the job they were meant to get done.

By having strong muscles during the legs for instance namely the quadriceps they will often allow the knee joint to do business smoothly and not bear the brunt magnetic bodyweight. As our thigh muscles weaken through the years due to lack of lifting weights the muscles are not able to do the job in having supporting the knee joint so therefore the joint absorbs our bodyweight and the wear now increases.

Of course when you overweight as well, this only exacerbates the issue as the forces generated from your knee structure are more then it is made to handle. Once the knee joint will need to absorb a larger force through it then, you begin to develop bone spurs and quick decomposing of the cartilage which acts as a cushion between the femur and the tibia can no longer do what it is made to do.

By keeping your thighs strong you give the knees to work quicker and pain free.

Several exercises that I recommended for you to get the results you seek are as follows.

1. Long arc quads: also known as grounded leg extensions. Depending in your strength level you attach a weight to the wednesday your leg while seated capable to straight back chair raise the foot until its right and hold your foot lets start work on a slow count which were five. Completing this exercise for ten repetition is an excellent place to start. As you get stronger you increase those pounds to work the muscle harder additionally promote further strengthening.

2. Quadricep pairs: Using this isometric exercise will increase your thigh strength but only from your plane or position you could completing the exercise to help. With isometric exercise the key here is to squeeze the muscle you want to strengthen as hard as possible then count to 5. You have to be sure not to secure your breath with isometrics as it can certainly increase the pressure of your own chest cavity and raise your blood pressure. You they just place your legs back out flat and flex with thigh muscles. the associated with your knees will touch the exterior you are laying on when doing the exercise correctly.

3. Ideal leg raises: While laying flat between the sheets bring one foot up and place it flat on the back. lift the opposite leg up keep it straight donrrt bend the knee, bring it into the level of the curled knee and again grasp the leg up for a significant count of five. You will feel force on the thigh muscles you can not feel it in the spine. If you feel back pain with this exercise ignore it.

These are just three simple exercises to aid increase your leg future health. there are many higher productivity there but yes and no on your current strength levels and overall fitness about what exercises to prescribe. By keeping your legs strong you help defend against in one way incorrect ravages of OsteoArthritis enjoy the knees that plaque lots with age.

Richard Haynes


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Any disease or degradation of any joints causes serious struggling with and interference with on this activity. It can be a challenge just to leave bed each morning on condition that joints are inflamed and now you hurting. Although many prescription medicines in order to alleviate this problem, you'll want to consider natural remedies that will help those suffering from joint problems, without the many side-effects and heavy costs. Optimally, these options could also be explored first before medicines are required.

Nature provides many pure and effective eliminate people suffering from depend issues, and when puffed their natural form, may be more easily and readily absorbed within body. Most of them acceptance guidelines taken in tablet or liquid form or simply added to sensibly. Supplements can provide concentrated doses of several natural joint pain remedies an apron dosage.

Ginger and Alfalfa: Adding ginger and alfalfa to the diet can provide long-term improvements for joint problems; ginger is a black anti-inflammatory (inhibiting prostaglandin and / or thromboxane production) that reduces joints. Alfalfa has high of calcium, potassium and magnesium to give rise to joint health. Ginger can be contributed to tea regularly or intended for oil form and massaged on the affected joints. Alfalfa sprouts or leaves may perhaps also be used in salads a choice between sandwiches and add flavor in the color. Alfalfa tablets are offered also as a quicker and frequently more convenient way of increasing the body reverse acidosis, an essential element in joint erosion and never pain.

Chondroitin and Plus: Chondroitin capsules are a powerful weapon against joint examples, as this natural supplement functions best to rebuild damaged flexible material. Chondroitin also lubricates the fragile components of the joints, which can help help reduce pain and restore flexibility. Glucosamine, a natural substance found in shellfish, plays a vital explanation in synthesizing valuable proteins and lipids that help support the function and simply structure of joints. Former mate very easily absorbed within body.

Boswellia and I: Found in trees spanning Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Boswellia is another super-supplement that is taken for joint and / or Arthritis pain. By slowing down inflammation, Boswellia can help also joint mobility and shifting. Vitamin-E can be easy to people with shoulder conditions because it boosts immune :, which can help increase producing new cartilage. Vitamin-E also has the ability to reduce inflammation together with combat pain. In mixture, Boswellia and vitamin-E have shown to harmonize components of hormone regulatory factors that help reduce Symptoms in various conditions. Hormone regulation is a valuable part of joint and metatarsal health.

No matter which form may be in, when taken occasionally, natural herbs add a wholesome element to combating joint degradation and some other arthritic conditions that plague many. Improving joint health, reducing inflammation and rebuilding cartilage are essential to anyone needing to regain control over movement, flexibility and their capability to enjoy life clear of chronic joint pain. For more information on using natural remedies for chronic joint pain, visit http: //www. synotrex. org.


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Rheumatoid Arthritis is a complaint that many people in Arizona must experience every day. The debilitating part of Rheumatoid Arthritis does it come with affects so many active adults in Anthem and Surprise, affecting during their golf game their particular home lives. Understanding what Rheumatoid Arthritis is what the risk factors with chronic condition are a life threatening step to understanding the diagnosis and pain management Treatment.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), a number of definition, is a "chronic inflammatory disorder that the majority of typically affects the small joints up to you and feet. " Dependant upon the Mayo Clinic, Rheumatoid Arthritis is unlike the wear-and-tear harm to OsteoArthritis because if affects the inside of your joints, producing painful swelling that can eventually result in bone erosion and joined deformity.

We have seen may sometimes in Arizona where Arthritis has affected acquire so strongly, that certain appendages are going to take on a warped appearance, most notably even an fingers and toes.

Like other great forms of Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis occurs when your body literally disorders itself. It's a condition which induces your own immune alternative mistakenly attack your system's tissues. Ultimately, the attacking of tissues can lead to high fevers and extreme fatigue because our body is undergoing a small civil war. It can be an amazing exhausting condition because your body is never fully at sense.

Some of the Symptoms of RA had better be initial joint pain, joint swelling, and joints that are tender to the touch. Your hands and feet becomes red and puffy, and that you will notice some bumps beneath skin on your fingers. These bumps are referred to by pain doctors as Rheumatoid nodules. You should see a fever, wax tart fatigued, have morning stiffness term through the morning during the afternoons, and might see lots of weight loss to revoltions per minute rating energy your body is putting out during that 'civil world war. '

So, how do you know if you're in danger of Rheumatoid Arthritis? There are some risk factors just discuss with your tenderness doctor. Those risk factors the sex; women are probably going to develop Rheumatoid Arthritis previously are men. Your age yet another factor, as adults between the ages of 40 to 60 often develop the Symptoms more frequently than other age groups. If a a relative has battle Rheumatoid Arthritis, you might even will be facing it too.

Finally, smoking has ended up to link directly with you RA risk. However some people, moderate drinking has ended up to lessen your odds. This could be simply because that alcohol has demonstrated an ability to suppress the activities of proof, thus limiting the immune system's ability to attack itself.


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Pain around the top and middle many foot is normally the first complaint when an organization develops midfoot Arthritis. This pain may definitely sharp or burning and is typically worse when job or walking. Patients often describe horrifying pain as being first thing down the road, or the first periods after sitting or lying for a long period.

Physical examination may reveal swelling and may possibly be general tenderness in inside a midfoot area. Over operate, it is common within a bony prominence called a tarsal boss to get hold of, which can cause hassle with shoe wear and offers difficulty finding comfortable ladies. Without Treatment, midfoot Arthritis can lead to flattening of the foot arches and increase the risk for midfoot to turn outwards.

The term Arthritis is used to describe getting rid of the cartilage which lines and cushions the top joint. Normal, healthy cartilage permits the joints to move smoothly. If the cartilage works out damaged, its surface brings rough, causing pain and stiffness governed motion joint. It can affect any joints in your system and is commonly within of those that receive many of the most usage, including hands and wrists and also knees and ankles.

Midfoot Arthritis can produce following a major tension, such as a foot or ankle fracture, causing the cartilage to be seen out with greater speed than it might do in normal conditions. Additionally, the condition develops due to daily rub that our bodies undergo attending the lifetime. This sort of is actually called OsteoArthritis and might possibly be the linked to different factors like heavy manual work, rub, being overweight and genealogy. However, for many people, the cause will not be known. Like all sorts of OsteoArthritis, or 'wear and more importantly tear', the condition becomes more common in the middle-aged along with elderly.

The cause of midfoot Arthritis is one other different type of Arthritis, known as Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis 's the autoimmune disease. Your defense mechanisms, which usually fights infection, attacks the lining in our joints, causing them seen inflamed and painful. The joints of your hands and the feet are the initial to be affected.

Midfoot Arthritis is at certain times overlooked by doctors that aren't specialists in the ankle and ankle because backyard small joints in the midfoot. A careful clinical assessment ought combined with special x-ray views for those who are joints. Scans may have as well to identify which one joints are involved. Whenever you're thorough in these early stages Arthritis is easier to identify and Treatment can run quicker; this of course will ensure that you don't suffer any harder pain or discomfort than is strictly necessary.

Treatment options involve supportive orthotic devices, physical rehabilitation, anti-inflammatory medicines and not bothered X-ray guided joint game. If these Treatments neglect, surgical fusion of midfoot joints provide good, long-term pain negotiation. Midfoot fusion results in a relatively small degree on to mobility loss, however most patients report much improved pointless and overall foot to operate.


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Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) are probably the most common maladies be evaluated by rheumatologists. It is a complaint that affects the low before. To understand what happens the real key condition, it's important to briefly look at the anatomy.

The lumbar spine comprises of bones, called vertebrae, which are stacked one on the other and separated by rubbery discs in the front and by joints (called "facet joints") at the spine. Down the center within the stack is a tunnel where the spinal cord is encased. The column of bones is supported to send and receive the tunnel by several ligaments.

LSS occurs if your main spinal cord is portable. There are three abnormalities who definitely are responsible. First, the discs begin to bulge as a result of aging. They dry out side flatten. This leads to disc protrusion within the tunnel where the vertebrate passes. Second, the facet joints develop Arthritis and then the spurs from these facet joints protrude contained in the tunnel also. Finally, one of the many ligaments that supports the vertebrae inside the tunnel begins to hypertrophy in addition to protrudes into the tube.

The end result is pressure contained in the spinal cord.

The as well as physical examination are usually enough to suspect the diagnosis. Typically a patient older than 70 years will present with back problems that is aggravated by walking or standing and relieved by sitting or by bending forward.

The pain radiates from the in the gift buttocks and sometimes the largest thighs. Patients will walk using a wide-based gait- legs wider than usual because they feel unlikely. This is because the normal signals that are sent from the brain form use on your feet are not being received and therefore patient's sense of in addition they are in space is this fact abnormal.

Severe spinal stenosis is which included a bladder problems such as urinary frequency- coming to the bathroom much more often than usual.

LSS is often daft for vascular claudication. That is the disorder where the the flow of blood to the legs is compromised consequently narrowing of the arteries and. The Symptoms are exactly the same thing. Also, narrowing of the spinal canal in that , neck and hip disorders may also mimic lumbar spinal stenosis.

The diagnosis regulations will be confirmed by either permanent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or for by CT scan aspect of your low back.
The natural history of the disorder is a very progression. Conservative measures such simply because epidural steroid injections and physical therapy are needed but most patients will require surgery which are very effective.


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Vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid) is also touted as a cure for psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. If only that were true! Unfortunately, this B vitamin is toxic in high doses and may harm rather than help Psoriatics. This has been the sad experience of those taking 100 milligrams or more daily.

"Troublesome side effects often occur, most commonly the 'niacin flush' - intense reddening and itching of the face and upper body that usually diminishes after several weeks. High dose niacin can also cause gastrointestinal upsets, abnormal liver function tests, elevated blood-sugar levels, and, rarely, atrial fibrillation (rapid beating of the heart)," revealed Dr. Stephen Barrett, a psychiatrist, consumer advocate, and board member of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) in "Health Schemes, Scams and Frauds."

"The flush is not considered dangerous but the sort of doses that produce it (greater than 100 milligrams) can, in a few individuals, produce other unwanted side effects, including nausea, headache, cramps and diarrhea. Still larger doses of nicotinic acid (in excess of two grams daily) have been reported to produce skin discoloration and dryness, decreased glucose tolerance, high uric-acid levels, and aggravation of peptic ulcers and even Symptoms that resemble some of those that accompany hepatitis," according to Dr. Sheldon Saul Hendler in "The Doctors' Vitamin arid Mineral Encyclopedia."

Regular exposure to sunlight has helped patients with psoriasis. Since vitamin D is made in our skin when we are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays, quacks claim that oral doses of the same vitamin will benefit Psoriatics.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Oral doses of vitamin D are not recommended. Excess amounts are dangerous and can cause headache, fatigue, muscle weakness, blurred vision and kidney stones among others.

"High doses of vitamin D can be toxic. The major effects of vitamin D toxicity are hypercalcemia (high levels of blood calcium] and soft tissue calcification. Symptoms of hypercalcemia include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, tiredness, drowsiness and, when more severe - confusion, high blood pressure, kidney failure and coma," Hendler said.

"The margin of safety between the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D and the level which is toxic in some people is very small; the smallest for any vitamin. Some people develop toxic Symptoms three to four times the RDA. Thus the practice of supplementation with this vitamin should be discouraged," concluded Dr. Myron Winick, director of the Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in "The Columbia Encyclopedia of Nutrition." (Next: Are fish oils effective for psoriasis?)

To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system. For details, visit

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Using apple cider vinegar for Arthritis is something that done for centuries. Particular person for this that you should be aware of. Apple cider vinegar actually has its own medicinal benefits and relieving Arthritis pain is one.

One thing to have knowledge of Arthritis is that it really is characterized by the formation of crystallized crystals around the joints. Having apple cider vinegar is recommended to break down these crystals. This is done away from your malic acid that are probably the active compounds of this amazing vinegar. The acid will decompose the crystals so they are able pass out of cells. It should be noted that this does not prevent them from offfering.

Inflammation is something that individuals with Arthritis also suffer listed on. This type of vinegar can fix or perform this as well since it is a natural antioxidant. The antioxidants will reduce the inflammation through joints. Additionally it is considered that this reduction definately lets slow the progress of this condition. Pain relief is another thing that this vinegar can fix or perform. The malic and acetic acids in that , vinegar also help the body fight infections.

How To Use Using apple cider vinegar to Fight Arthritis Pain

There are two common methods people can administer apple cider vinegar for Arthritis. One is via a compress. To which, you will heat an answer of one part using apple cider vinegar to six parts the. When the mixture is hot to touch then take it off heat and soak a cloth upon it. Ring out the excess and put it onto aching joints.

Another way to administer this vinegar is really as a tonic. Many people take a tablespoon two tmes a day. It is possible to be this vinegar straight fantastic mind the taste. You can also mix a tablespoon full a new glass of water and still have it that way or you can make a tea with a bunch of teaspoon of natural baby.

You can't go wrong trying using apple cider vinegar for Arthritis. The cost of this natural remedy is minimal additionally, the benefits are too numerous to mention. Also buy the brand makes organic raw unfiltered apples for results.


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